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Gladys Kearns
出生地United States
65 years
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Phillip R. McKillop

    I went to see Granny and Grandaddy every other weekend... i would always walk in the door and there would be grandaddy sittin on his chair or cooking up some good ol' country breakfast... i would walk around the corner and there Granny would be with her big bright beautiful smile open arms ready to hug what ever was in her path....

     Though Granny had her serious times, she was always willing to joke around. I would always lay on the couch and watch T.V. or mossy around doing whatever came to mind. While laying there, Granny would ALWAYS be right there behind me throwin bugs on me. haha. Of ourse out of natural reaction i would jump and and hop around! Granny would just start laughin! She meant the world to me...

     There was times when Granny would call the house to speak to my Mom or Dad, I would answer half the time... just hearing her voice would always give me a tingly feeling inside.

     Granny always worked hard at what ever she put her mind to... There was many summers back when we went up to the Mountains to visit. i remember when she wanted to paint the bunkhouse... it was a chore that you wouldnt even be able to imagine... but with Grannys help and drive to accomplish it, it got done... She meant the world to everyone that was around her. She didnt have a mean bone in her body.

     My most favorite memory of Granny happend not to long ago... We all where getting ready to leave and i put my coat on... Like always, i immediatley put my hand in my pocket.. and there was something that i didnt put in there... i pulled it out and it was a tampon!! Granny seen the look on my face and she just started bustin out laughin... I was so embarrased.. haha not knowing what to do i just dropped it and started laughin too... after all the Camotion stopped i decided to look inside of my jacket... and ill be dag on if she didnt stick on on the inner layer!! and all the laughin and camotion started up again. haha...

     I loved her so much. Im gonna miss her warm, Gentle, and caring touch. not a day will go by that i wont think of her. I took a picture of her and placed it in my work van so that way when ever im down i can just look up and there she'll be smilin!! I was gettin aggravated at work today so i got in my van and started talkin to her. call me crazy but after talkin to her everything went fine. I found the problem and everything was fixed. I'm expecting a little guy (Parker Jay) here on Feb. 11, 2009, thats just two days after Grannys B-Day. I know shes gonna be watching down and making sure everythings ok...




I will always remember what a great food granny fixed, everytime one of us stayed over at her house, she asked what special meal we wanted her to make for dinner.

I will remember going down the road and she would slow down and come to a stop and show us the deer, or what ever other animal she saw, she would get so excited, and sometimes took pictures too.

Her laugh is something I will never forget, sometimes she would get to laughing so hard tears would roll down her cheeks.

Every time we would stay the night, we would awake to granddaddy pestering us to wake up, the sun wasnt even out, the smell of her coffee and her in her place on the couch knitting or sewing, what ever project she was into at that time.

She tried to teach me, I didnt get the knitting part, but the sewing I did. She would teach me how to sew and once I did sew an outfit using her sewing machine. She also liked to paint, and we had a nice time painting with her.

There isnt anything my granny couldnt do, she could do just about anything she wanted.

Through out this week in my mind I keep hearing her voice and things she said, and imagining her saying things or what she would have said.

I hear her laugh, her voice, feel her hugs.

I do know one thing granny loved her some Dallas Cowboys!

Maybe she will watch over them too and help lead them to win next season :)

I will never ever forget my granny, and I do know that she Loved my grandfather with all her heart and soul, her kids, her grandkids and great grandkids too.

Granny was a wonderful woman and that is the kind of person I want to be like, my granny!



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